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O Campus Virtual de Saúde Pública is a system developed with Drupal 7 using several community modules with news tools, institutional repository, contact form and an advanced system for importing data from various sources using OAI-pmh and RSS.

Build with:

  • Drupal 7


CVSP it is a space to develop interdisciplinary cooperation in the field of public health training. A communication and learning space, the result of a partnership between PAHO and countries in the Americas region. A decentralized network of individuals, institutions and organizations that share education courses, resources, services and activities with the common goal of strengthening the skills of the public health workforce. It makes intensive use of new information and communication technologies, and health education and hopes to become a space for creativity and innovation.

In strategic terms, CVSP's actions are guided, among others, by the United Nations Millennium Development Goals, the Americas Health Agenda 2008 - 2017 and the regional Human Resources for Health goals 2008-2015.


Site session